Prize Money for Competitions in 2016
For all competitions in 2016, the following table will be used to determine prize money.
Singles Competitions
Over 150 competitors - 3 prizes of £60, £40 and £20
Between 100 and 150 - 3 prizes of £45, £30 and £15
Between 50 and 100 - 2 prizes of £30 and £15
Less than 50 - 1 prize of £25
Monthly Medals
Over 150 competitors - 1st £40 and 2nd £20 in each division
Less than 150 - 1st £30 and 2nd £15 in each division
4 Ball Better Ball
Over 150 competitors - 1st £40 each 2nd £20 each
Less than 150 - 1st £30 each 2nd £15 each
4 Man Team
Over 150 competitors - £30 each
Less than 150 - £20 each
Gross Prizes
2nd April, 7th May, 6th Aug, 17th Sept - 1st £30
Please note there are also gross prizes on Captain's Weekend and the Club Championship