

Course Status

Course Open Updated: 2nd Oct 2024

Golf Course Update 26th April 2023

Following a relatively dry period, the decision has been taken to move to Stage 1 on Saturday 29th April 2023. In effect, the Stage process will cease until the autumn and Ride-On Buggy Users will be able to play the full 18 holes.  In terms of the starting hole; we will continue to play from the 10th tee until Intelligent Golf amend the Tee Booking system around the 4th May 2023.

Currently, we remain on preferred lies through the green, albeit, the midweek competition and the saturday competition will play as 'preferred lies on closely mown', to allow those competitions to be qualifying competitions for handicap.

With regard to returning to the main 18 holes; we have an issue with a large Horse Chestnut tree on the 4th hole which will need to be trimmed before we can return to playing this hole.  Therefore, until our tree specialist can address this issue, we will continue to play 12a and 13a for the moment.

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